The search for an internship can be a long, tedious struggle. After sending your CV to as many different internships as possible and getting one, possibly two replies back for an interview it can take you by surprise. Questions race through your mind such as; what to wear, what to say or even how to say it. Having gained experience of the “what to dos” has given me a detailed understanding of the basics.
Arrive Early
I know it’s an obvious one but it’s an important one. This is the first snippet you will show of your character. By arriving early to you interview it will answer the interviewers questions “Are you organized?”, “Are you reliable?” and “Can you keep to a deadline?” Try to plan your journey in advance. Look at the public transport timetables/map of the roads and the actual time you will be leaving for your interview. Rush hours will always take a lot longer, accordingly give yourself plenty of time.
Dress Comfortably
The interviewer is looking for someone professional and well presented. This does not necessarily mean your Sunday best. Dress in smart, clean clothes that you feel comfortable wearing. This will change your body language in positive way. The more relaxed you are, the more confident you will feel, the less nervous you will feel in the face of a very nerve-racking situation. The idea is to show you at your best, allowing your great personality to shine through.
Eye Contact and the Handshake
This is the first direct interaction between you and your future employer, it is always a good idea to make it a strong one. This will show that you are going to be a confident and professional intern; which may come in handy if you applying for an internship that means meeting new clients/co-workers every day. Keep that eye contact throughout the interview. An interviewee who is looking around the room or at their feet shouts that they are nervous and lack the ability to focus. By sustaining that eye contact your mind is less likely to wonder as your focus is on the interviewer, allowing you to give articulate and detailed responses.
Always have at the very least a general knowledge of the company you are about to intern for. It is very easy to hand out CVs on the mass and not expect a reply. It is best to have a note somewhere of the interviewer and the company’s history/motives. A quick search on the internet is an easy way to get the information that will become essential for the interview. Once again the more knowledge you have, the more relaxed you will be.
The last piece of advice I can give is smile! A friendly, approachable and social intern will shine to the interviewer showing them that you are a person they want to work with.
Kape Internships organises amazing internships in London. Our team will help you improve your CV and connect you with relevant companies that are ready to hire. Contact us today for more information.